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Free Amsoil Catalog

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AMSOIL saves you money, time, and aggravation!

AMSOIL extended drain intervals mean fewer oil changes, long term savings and convenience. You can save $108.25 per year using AMSOIL Synthetic oil over petroleum, and enjoy the other benefits as well. It's also more convenient if you're doing your own oil changes. This also limits the amount of used oil you're introducing into the environment that has to be disposed of. Request a Catalog!

Preferred Customers get an additional 15% to 20% off retail, click here to get info on a Preferred Customer account.


Conventional motor oils recommend 3,000 mile oil change intervals. Let's use an example of driving 25,000 in a year, which is a reasonable estimate.
Conventional 5w-30 motor oil, 40 quarts needed for 25,000 miles, plus 8 filters. This is assuming 5 quarts per oil change. At $3.00/quart, and $6.00/filter you have this;

item cost/each sum
40 quarts/oil 3.00 120.00
8 filters 6.00 48.00
  TOTAL $160.00

With AMSOIL 5w-30, 25,000/1 year recommended drain intervals

item cost/each sum
5 quarts/oil 8.75 43.75
1 filters 16.00 48.00
  TOTAL $59.75

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